Still on the line of flying dragons, we then had one evening with a most peculiar cloud formation. As the sun set, the light caught a most incredible cloud formation. It was shaped like a huge bird... an albatross was what immediately sprang to mind when I saw it. The shape was amazingly clear and the rest of the sky was totally clear. I have no idea what caused it, but it was certainly very beautiful.
A peculiar cloud as seen from KAIRA on 25th September 2012. (Photo: D. McKay-Bukowski) |
A slightly closer view. Sadly the tiny little camera that I have fails to do justice to this amazing sight. (Photo: D. McKay-Bukowski) |
I can certainly understand how people long ago would be amazed by such apparitions in the sky. It is certainly fascinating to consider what our ancestors might have made of this.
A great bird; a portent of winter?
Or maybe a great white dragon?
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