Monday 14 July 2014

Third LOFAR Data Processing School

The Third LOFAR Data Processing School will take place at ASTRON in Dwingeloo (The Netherlands), in the week of 17-21 November 2014.

The aim of this School is to introduce the LOFAR system to users and new members of the collaboration who will analyse Cycle data. Students, postdocs, and staff are all encouraged to attend. The school will cover the many aspects of the LOFAR system from the capabilities of the basic station hardware to the software pipelines and science products they produce. Members of the LOFAR project will present lectures and tutorials. Hands-on sessions will also be provided to give attendees an opportunity to gain experience with real LOFAR data.

Presentations will be given at a level appropriate for someone new to LOFAR. Familiarity with the concepts of radio interferometry and standard data processing software such as CASA, AIPS, or Myriad will be useful, but not required. Minimum requirements should include some familiarity with scripting languages and in particular Python. Participants are expected to bring fairly recent Linux or Mac OS laptops with tens of GB of disk space.

The school will be hosted by ASTRON (Dwingeloo). Note that registration to the School is on a first come - first serve basis and limited to 40 participants. In case you are interested in attending the school, we encourage you to proceed with the online registration as soon as possible:

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