Tuesday 10 May 2011

Checking for shift

One of the tasks of the test-tile assessment is checking for displacement. This can be caused by a number of factors such as wind, ground subsidence, sub-tile ice accumulation or lateral loading due to snow-drifts. Additionally, we decided to do a rough re-survey of the tile locations, as a way of checking the results from last October (where the end of the deployment was cut short by snowfall).

Here, Markku Postila records some details from this part of the assessment. He is standing at the southern corner of the tile, which is mostly snow free.

Although some of the electronically-recorded data still needs reducing and analysing, a superficial assessment indicates that both test tiles have remained unaltered by the conditions that prevailed during winter.

In the case of the ground-tile (shown here), there was negligible degradation of the sand-gravel base under the tile, which as provided a stable and level platform for the tile. The tile anchors are yet to be checked, but these also look like they are in good condition. So far, the results are very promising — although a lot more work remains to be done.

More reports following soon!

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