The Biological Research Station (where the team are staying) is located at the foot of this impressive feature. So on Friday, on my way back from the site to the accommodation, I decided to stop off and have a look. As it turned out, I ended up climbing all the way to the top!

It turned out that the path I took was the Luontupolku (= nature trail) which was going out further north. Although that could be interesting, and there was the option of walking all the way around to Saanajärvi, it was the mountain that was the challenge of the day. So, I turned southwards and began the steady climb up the north face... well, okay, north slope!
As the rise continued, there came the point where one breaks through the tree line. It is amazing how abruptly this happens. And, sometime later, the gradient begins to pick up and the going gets a little tougher.

Soon enough, I came across some of the mountain lakes. These are natural dips in the slope of the mountain, were huge volumes of snow collect during the winter, not to mention the melt water from higher up. There was still a lot of snow about and although it seemed quite warm, that was mostly from the exercise and staying still for a moment would give a quick reminder of real temperature. Given that the reports from the institute were that it was very warm, I was very grateful for being in a cooler part of the world.

The trek continued upwards, but by now, the gradient was easing and in places the terrain flattened out. The top of Saana is not a single peak, but several smaller rises on a wide plateau. After passing the last ice-lake, I went by the radio mast and hut and on towards the summit.

Owing to the fact that I was taking my time and that I'd not gone the direct route, I think that it would have been possible to do this a lot faster. In the end, it took me about two-and-a-half hours to get to the top. I spent some time at the top, admiring the view and trying to work out directions and bearings before finally heading back down (I took a slightly different path back, crossing several of the mountain streams along the way.)

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