Monday 13 June 2011

IAS2011 begins!

Today the 'I'm a Scientist – Get me out of here!' event begins. Well, actually it sort of started on Friday night with the students sneaking in a few early questions... all of which are excellent. Updates and highlights will appear each day from now until the author is 'evicted'. Let's see how long I can last before the students decide it's time for me to go.

The event promises to be a lot of fun and a great opportunity for school pupils to interact directly with the people working on a whole host of science projects (not just KAIRA). The web site is and you can also follow it on Twitter (@imascientist) — watch for tweets marked #ias2011. Oh... and in case you are wondering, KAIRA features in the 'Chromium' zone.

Each day as the event goes on, we'll be publishing a little report on how things are going, along with our zone's top question of the day. For all the scientists out there who are reading this, raise this question at your morning coffee or afternoon tea break and find out what your colleagues think! We are sure it will provoke some interesting discussion!

The top question from the pre-start phase (asked by user 'gabbyway') is 'What do you hope to achieve with your research and hard-work?'

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