Friday 24 June 2011

IAS2011 — Day #10

The final day of the 'I'm a Scientist – Get me out of here!' event. This is our last instalment on the KAIRA web log of this public outreach event. To all those IAS2011 participants and followers, thanks for visiting us and for keeping in touch during the event. Hopefully, you'll come back and visit the project and find out how we've been getting on with our radio receiver array construction project.

So, without further ado, the winner of the Chromium Zone's June 2011 I'm a Scientist Get Me Out of Here event is...

... TOM!

After 10 days (and a bit) of solid questions, live chat sessions, e-mails and messages on Twitter, the students have spoken. Tom Crick (University of Wales Institute, Cardiff) was voted as the favourite scientist and wins the prize. No doubt he will admit the competition was tough, and I agree that we had a great team on #ChromiumZone. Hopefully, Tom will put up a final post on his web log: Computing, the science of nearly everything. A podcast interview with Tom was given on the Pod Delusion 24th June 2011 Edition.

Congratulations Tom (as well as Sarah, Tim and Dalya). It's been great fun, very productive and a great team experience. Stay in touch with us!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you very much Derek! I have finally got around to writing my final IASGMOOH blog post. There seems to be a big hole is my life where I should be answering science question.

    It would be great if the Chromium Zone team could get together and meet up in real life!


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